Lean in
Princeton desking provides less conventional personal offices that support your open door policy even when there isn’t one.
Princeton desking provides less conventional personal offices that support your open door policy even when there isn’t one.
Meetings within the office support executive requirements for privacy and confidentiality. Citi lounge seating comes together with Correlation desking to render a classic executive or senior management environment that will impress and perform.
Princeton speaks to a new generation that doesn’t necessarily want the four walls but still wants to define their space and place.
Another great Zira desking application for the individual that requires plenty of filing and storage within their private office or management workstation.
Zira desking provides endless opportunities to personalize the office to suit the way you work, your daily routine and the details that make it yours.
Here’s a combination that can turn a minimum of space into an effective classroom or presentation room on a moment’s notice. Roma seating and Bungee tables nest and roll like grocery carts to save time and space.